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Costa Rica Whistleblower law 2024

Costa Rica Whistleblower law 2024

A firm step towards integrity, new law to protect whistleblowers and witnesses of corrupt practices, both in the public and private sectors February 8, 2024, marked a significant milestone for Costa Rica with the enactment of the Comprehensive Anti-Corruption Law that Protects Whistleblowers. This law extends protection to individuals who report potential acts of corruption in both the public and private sectors, prohibiting any form of workplace retaliation against whistleblowers and witnesses, thus ensuring their safety. What are the reporting channels in the Private Sector? In the private sector, employers with more than fifty employees are required to establish internal reporting channels and develop policies to address alleged acts of corruption. These channels must be accessible, allow for anonymous reporting, and maintain the confidentiality of whistleblowers’ identities. What about Confidentiality and Sanctions? Regarding confidentiality and sanctions, the law rigorously protects the identity of whistleblowers, even after the reporting process concludes.

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Parliament concerned about very serious threats to EU values in Greece

The European Parliament raised on Wednesday the alarm over several worrying developments in Greece threatening the rule of law, and called on the Commission to act. In a resolution adopted with 330 votes in favour, 254 against, and 26 abstentions, MEPs express grave concerns about very serious threats to democracy, the rule of law and fundamental rights in the country. Source: EURO PARLIAMENT

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Anti-SLAPP Directive - CASE statement on the political agreement

Anti-SLAPP Directive: CASE statement on the political agreement

On 30 November 2023, the Council and Parliament of the EU  reached an agreement on a proposed anti-SLAPP directive. The press releases and informal information we have received about the final text indicate that the final version includes several positive developments that represent  a win for the years-long advocacy efforts of CASE and its members. The anti-SLAPP Directive of the EU will set new rules to protect those targeted with strategic lawsuits against public participation (SLAPP), such as journalists, rights defenders or civil society organisations.

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The Silent Battle- Whistleblowers, SLAPP Lawsuits, PTSD and the Psychological Toll on Families by Aris Danikas

Unprecedented SLAPPs used to target independent media and journalists in Greece.

A stream of recent SLAPP lawsuits have hit targeting independent journalists and media outlets in Greece. SLAPPS  – Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation  – are a type of legal action designed to shut down the media or other outlets from reporting on a particular issue. The actions are not aimed at using the justice system to resolve a justice issue. Instead the protagonists often know they will lose eventually but the main point is to exhaust the resources of the other side until they are silenced. On October 19, 2021, the Greek independent media outlet Altherthess and one of its journalists, Stavroula Poulimeni, were targeted by Efstathios Lialios, an executive of Greek gold mining company Hellas Gold. The court case involved a demand from the mining company of €100,000 in damages over an article the site published in 2020 about the executive’s criminal conviction. On January 13, 2022, Greek journalist

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